
2017年7月17日—WecreatedanewtypefacebasedonanadfromtheColumbiadesignarchives.Thefontname?WellgerTTofcourse.MoreLikeThis.Save.Permalink.,Theresultingtypefacefamily,aptlynamedGerTTafterchairmanGertBoyle,fusesmodernityandheritage,andpaystributetoColumbia'sorigins.Itincludes ...,2022年4月11日—Garetisamoderngeometricsansserif.Itischaracterisedbyhighx-height,cleanandsoftletterformswithasmoothmasculin...

Columbia Sportswear

2017年7月17日 — We created a new typeface based on an ad from the Columbia design archives. The font name? Well gerTT of course. More Like This. Save. Permalink.

Columbia Sportswear

The resulting typeface family, aptly named GerTT after chairman Gert Boyle, fuses modernity and heritage, and pays tribute to Columbia's origins. It includes ...

Garet Font

2022年4月11日 — Garet is a modern geometric sans serif. It is characterised by high x-height, clean and soft letterforms with a smooth masculine tone.

gert Font Search

gert Font Search on like Angerthas, TigerTails, FingerType, Angerthas Moria, Gertruda Victoriana Normal, Fingertipz Demo, Rogertone, Dongerti, ...

Gert Fonts Downloads

Gert Designers 25 Fonts The best resource to discover and connect with fonts designers and jobs worldwide. ... OnlineWebFonts.COM is Internet most popular font ...

GerTT v1.0 Bold1.000-Download

Full name of font: GerTT v1.0 Bold. Family: GerTT v1.0. Style: Bold. Font version: 1.000. Characters: 265. Glyphs: 233. EMCompany: 1000. Word weight: Bold.

GerTT v1.0 Font Download,GerTTv1.0

GerTTv1.0-Bold 1.000 font (Font family name: GerTT v1.0; Font style name: Bold), 265 characters in total. Character distribution range:Basic Latin,Latin-1 ...

GerTT v1.0 Font,GerTTv1.0

Font family: GerTT v1.0. Font style: Bold. Font version: 1.000. Typeface type: Uncategorized. Characters: 265. Number of glyphs: 233. Font weight:.

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限時免費 250 款專業英文字免費下載



